Property Investment Resources

Blog of Debra Lohrere, author of books on Property Investment, Creating Financial Security, Goal Setting and the Power of Compounding.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What is the best type of investment investment?

When people look at investing, there are three main areas to choose from; shares, property or cash deposited in interest bearing accounts.

Why has property proved to be the most effective choice?

In Australia and many other places around the world, over the past 50 years property has averaged 10% p.a. compound growth. (Carefully selected properties have averaged even greater returns). Not forgetting that investment properties also generate an income from rent.

Median priced property in Australia have averaged growing at 2 – 4% p.a. higher than inflation, making it a very solid investment.

One of the most effective way to build riches is to accumulate a portfolio of investment properties (over the space of 7 to10 years) and then let the power of Compound Interest work to your benefit.

The main reason that property can be utilised more effectively than shares as an investment, is due to the added benefit of being able to highly leverage an investment property.

Leveraging is where you use a small portion of your own money along with a large portion of someone else’s money (a bank loan) to secure an investment of a far greater value than you could have, using only you own money.

If you invested $10,000 directly into shares that were growing at 10%, then in 7.2 years they would be worth around $20,000. On the other hand if you had used that $10,000.00 as 5% deposit on a $200,000.00 property and borrowed the remaining 95% plus establishment costs. If this also grew at 10% then in 7.2 years your investment would be worth $400,000.00. Meaning that by leveraging your investment you have gained an additional $190,000.00.
Compounding has an even greater power, the longer it is allowed to work. With the above example, if you were looking at a 21.6 year period, then the results are quite staggering.
The un leveraged shares would be worth $80,000 and the property $1,600,000, a differential of $1,520,000.

It is possible to borrow 100% of the purchase price of a property plus expenses by securing the deposit against your own home, so that you don’t need a cash deposit.

Isn't going into debt a bad thing?

There are two types of Debt. Good Debt is where you borrow funds to secure a capitally appreciating, income-producing asset. Bad Debt is where you borrow to buy a capitally depreciating, non-income producing item such as a car, boat or holiday.

There are many different strategies for property investing, which suit different people depending on their current income or financial position.

A combination of using Good Debt to buy property and then allowing Compounding to do its work – seems to be one of the most effective way of creating wealth. But this is definitely not a “Get rich quick scheme”, on the contrary it is a “Get rich slowly” scheme which works most effectively over a 10 to 20 year period. It takes patience and perseverance, but after having spoken to dozens of other property investors, many of whom have become multi millionaires within the space of 10 to 15 years, I am certain that it is worthwhile.

Debra Lohrere is the author of Creating Financial Security through Property Investment and How to Research investment Properties Investment Property Books

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Why is property investment so powerful?

In Australia & elsewhere over the past 50 years property has averaged 10% growth per annum.

The time that it will take for a property to double in value can be calculated using the Rule of 72.

This rule says that 72 divided by the compounding growth rate equals the number of years it will take to double in value.

This means that as a property increases at a rate of 10% that every 7.2 years the property doubles in value.

Therefore if you purchase a $250,000 investment property and hold it for 21.6 years, it will then be worth $2,000,000 (increase of $1,750,000) so you will have averaged $83,333.33 per annum profit!

Well researched properties can give even greater returns.

This example has not taken into account the effect of inflation, however it is easy to see that hardly any other investment could match the power that gearing into property can have.

If you purchased a $250,000 property using a 10% deposit and allowed 5% of the property value for purchasing and legal expenses, then you would be investing $37500.

Had you invested this same amount of money in another investment, without using the power of gearing (that can fairly safely be used with property, but is risky with many other investments like shares, due to the volatility of the share market, and the possibility of loosing all invested funds should a company you invest in go bankrupt) then in 21.6 years your investment would have grown to $300,000, an increase of $262,500, giving you an average annual profit of $12,500.

This means that you would have lost out on $70,833 per annum in profit.

Debra Lohrere is the author of Property investment books. Please visit Investment Property Books